Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You Talking to Me??

I was going to write about something totally different today, but changed my mind after I went to the gym this morning. So I'm standing in the locker room minding my own business while getting mentally ready for a yoga class. A middle aged woman comes up next to me and stares at me. 

Woman: Oh my god! You've shaved off your hair!! Why did you shave off everything? *looks at my       
           head in disbelieve*
Me: *gives her a major side-eye*  Well it's not all gone, there's still a little bit of hair left. Besides I 
        love that I can just wash and go.
Woman: *makes a snort-like sound and looks at my head in complete contempt* 
                Well, you still shouldn't have shaved it off! 

A million cuss words ran through my mind at that very second, but I couldn't bring myself to cuss this b!tch out. WTF?!? What I really wanted to say was: "I don't see how my hair or lack thereof is any of your damn business. Going to the gym clearly aint working so well for you with your fat ass. And by the way, your gut is way too big for you to be wearing that tight-*ss shirt" -  but I didn't. I counted to ten and went about my business. Thank God for the yoga instructor and her calming voice.

See, people like this get on my damn nerves! I don't mind people asking me questions about my bald head. I think my head is and really bring out my features. If she'd asked me in a polite manner I would've explained to her that I have Alopecia and that I was tired of weaving it up. But that right there?? UGH!! I still can't cuss out my elders no matter how much they annoy me. It's been instilled in us practically since birth that you should respect your elders. Y'all Africans know what I'm talking about. You call everyone auntie and uncle, even those you have no blood ties to. This has led me to bite my tongue on more occasions than I bother to count.....*sigh*

~I'm the Boss Lady~


  1. LOL.. I think it looks beautiful. That is if you fit it, and have a normal headshape. The older generation cant seem to understand why some do it. I got comments like you got ill and had to shave it off huh? At least some of us can rock a shaved head, mine didnt look good due to my small head. Its all good as am a hijaabi, got spared for a massive public humiliation:) Nice blog.

  2. Yeah, I've heard many people say that about their heads. I think anyone can look good bald, with the right makeup and earrings....And thanks!
