Monday, March 7, 2011

Generation Facebook

Forget about the sidepieces and the jump-offs. The new relationship threat is called......FACEBOOK. Wait....what?? Yup, Facebook. I swear, people do too damn much on this site. I mean, REALLY??? Come on now! People are breaking up because of something posted on their SO's walls. Some people break up via their relationship statuses. WTF! Mr. Incredible is not a big fan of this social network site. He'll just shake his head and roll his eyes when I start going on and on about who does or says what on FB. The thing is, though, no matter how much foolishness people put up there, I LOVE ME SOME FACEBOOK. #dontjudgeme

For the life of me I can't seem to get why people want their business for everyone to see. Why do I need to know that your marriage is "complicated" when I haven't seen you since high school? Oh, what about this idiot who posted that he was so hurt and depressed. I thought "oh poor thing...lemme check how he's doin...". I sent him a message asking what was wrong. This modasooka sent me a message back saying it's private. Private??? PRIVATE?? Are you f*cking kidding me? Then why the hell did you put it put there for everybody and their mama to see? IDIOT! And what about the people who are sooooooooo in love with their SO that they want the whole world to know every goddamn second of every day? ARG! They get on my f*cking nerves. Yes, we know you love your boo, but please spare us the details. We do not need to know that he gave you foot massage last night, or that his mama's house is pink. What is up with our generation? Why do we need to share every freaking little thing that happens in our lives? Nothing is sacred anymore?

But the worst- the worsest (yea I made it a word) is the preggers ladies who share every single detail of their pregnancies, and as soon as the little bundle of joy pops out of the womb, it's fully documented on FB. Really? Is it that serious? I irks (another Toozi made word) me to see freshy popped babies plastered all over. Call me crazy, but I think that special moment is for you and your SO. It's precious and sacred. Those are the intimate and beautiful moments that tighten the bond between you and the one you love, and should be only between the two of you.

The relationship status changes are hilarious. LOL now I understand teenagers having fun changing their statuses every two weeks, but if you're over 25 and you change your status more often than Gaga changes her hairstyle, you're a loooooooser. Yes, I said it! Get the f*ck off FB and get a life. Either you do it for the attention or you really do get in and out of "relationships" often doesn't matter. Either way, you're pathetic and need to do something with your life besides entertaining my a**. And the pictures!! Whew lawd! I think some people go to parties just so they can take pictures to post on FB and I love looking at them. Folks, once you put pictures on FB they won't disappear just because you delete them. Remember that next time you feel like posting pics of the outrageous trip from Vegas or from your bachelor's party. It might not be cute and funny when you're applying for that prestigious law firm. I'm just sayin....

~I'm the Boss Lady~

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