Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brothas, Please Work On Your Mack Game!

From urbandictionary.com
Mack- (verb) To hit on, flirt with, or seduce a female by using verbal or sometimes physical means of persuasion.

A few years ago I was in Paris with a brotha to represent a youth organization at a UN conference. Every time I think of that trip I start laughing my azz off. This brotha is a funny and very handsome fella. While walking through the streets of Paris he decided to work on his mack game. We went into a pâtisserie to get some of that great French pastries. The girl behind the counter was really cute, but didn't speak a word of English. We had to point at what we wanted. Then brothaman looked her straight in the eye, tilted his head a bit to the side and said:  if you were a burger at McDonald's I'd call you Mcbeautiful! OOOOMMMMGGG!!! I almost flatlined from laughing so hard. The girl just gave him an empty look like WTF is wrong with you??

I'm sure he's worked on his mack game since then cuz he's now married with kids LOL. Which brings me to my point. The art of approaching a lady is very delicate. Noticed that I said ladies and not chicken heads, little girls (grown azz women who act like girls) or hood rats. Yes, ladies....i don't care what you say, you get approached exactly the way you act and dress. You dress and act like a classless bird, that's exactly how you get treated. Unfortunately, some brothas just have no clue what so ever. You can look and act like Mrs. Obama and still get modasookas coming up to you with some bullsh!t line. 

Bullsh!t lines and dis-respectfulness I can deal with, it' the funny ones that have me cracking up. Yall African ladies know what I'm talking about. This just happened to me and no I couldn't make it up if I tried:

Brothaman: *in a very heavy West African accent* heelllooo my sista!
Me: *removing my headphones from my ears* hi....
BM: Where you from?
Me: Gambia
BM: Oh, I'm from Cameroon. You live here?
Me: No
BM: I would like to know you oohhh....you are very pretty lady oohhh
Me: ooookkk....well I'm married. 
BM: Oh that's fine...I just want to be your friend.
Me: I have enough friends....don't really want another friend.
BM: You're not allowed to have friends?? I just want to be your friend.
Me: there's my train! 
BM: sooo can I have your number?? I can call you and we talk...
Me: *roll my eyes and hop on the train*

NO NO NO!!! That is NOT  the right way to holla! Argh! You'd think it's only the brothas fresh of the boat who do that, but you'd be wrong. Some brothas even get mad when you turn them down, like you should feel special for being approached. Um...dude, unless you look anything like this.....   

.......corny lines will get you no play. Now, there's corny and there's disrespectful. I'll straight ignore your trfling azz for the latter, even if you look like one of these fine azz specimen. Have men forgotten how to approach women nowadays? Or have women lowered their standards to a bare minimum? Whatever happened to: hello, my name is x,y,z and I'd like to get to know you...? I blame the women. I've seen women answer to the most disrespectful and foolish calls - the pssst! eeey! and all kinds of bullsh!t. Can all the real gentlemen - and ladies- please stand up??    

~I'm the Boss Lady~ 

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