Monday, May 9, 2011

Looking For Love - The Bachelor Edition

Ok, don't judge me.....well actually you can judge me coz I reserve the right to judge other people who watch trashy reality TV. I've been watching a few episodes of the Bachelor. BossMama loves that sh!t, she's totally in to it. She'd go on and on about Chantal and Emily, who's trifling and who deserves a rose and who should go home. Heck, she even got BossPapa watching that mess. So I sat down to watch, and I even caught the season finale when the sucker a.k.a the bachelor proposed to his "love".

For those of you who have no idea (or just don't give a damn) what the Bachelor is, lemme break it down to you. An eligible bachelor gets to choose from a group of 25 single women. The women live together in a house and have dates with the bachelor, either single dates or group dates. First of all, a group of women living in a house and all fighting for the same guy is a crazy concept. But the show takes female drama to a whole 'nother level with all that scripted bullcrap.  The women are then eliminated through an idiotic and "dramatic" rose ceremony. The ones who get eliminated are all distraught and in tears talking about how much they love him and how much they're hurting.

To that my natural reaction is a mean azz side eye like------------->
Really?? REALLY? You've know this guy for a few weeks and now you just know that he's the one for you? That yall have a connection?? o____O Alrighty then. Anyhoo, this guy makes out with most of these heffas and the last two standing get to meet his family and they all get to choose their favorite. The bachelor proclaims his love for these ladies and he's soooo heartbroken when he can only pick one, to whom he proposed to. Oh, did I forget to tell you that this particular bachelor has been on the show before? Yeah, this is his second time looking for love and this time he "has a connection that he's never felt before". LOL

I'm a sucker for love. I'm all for finding that special someone to spend your life with. I'm a true believer in the institution of marriage. Marriage is sacred in my book, and when I do get married I hope it's for life. I think shows like the Bachelor makes a mockery of this sacred union. Personally, I don't think a guy messing around with a bunch of women before finally choosing me, is a great catch. Eeewww!! Shows like these are one of the reasons that divorces are at an all time high these days. Every other marriage never make it. With divorce being so rampant, why are we buying into the Hollywood crap about prince charming, the one, the soul-mate? I've never been married, but my folks have been married for 35 years and I know it aint all been sunshine and rainbows. Marriage is hard work. Finding a life partner shouldn't be taken as lightly as we're fooled to believe.

I dunno....maybe people just want to be entertained. The problem is when we start confusing entertainment with reality. Coz realit is, there aint sh!t real about realtyTV.

~I'm the Boss Lady~

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