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Age aint nothing but a number...lol |
I love birthdays, I really do. I make it a point to remember people's birthdays, especially those people close to me. My birthday was last month and I've been doing a lot of reflecting since then. It aint like I had a big-azz party or anything like that. I'm just so grateful to be around....ya know? After you go through certain crises, trials and tribulations you learn to appreciate the gift of life. I turned 30 three years ago and boi oh boi, I could write a book about all that went down in the last three years. WOW!! Anyhoo, I made a list when I turned the big 3-0 called: "After 30 years of living in this world....this is what I've learned". These life lessons are still on point, some more than others. Here it goes:
1. Family is everything
Every day I wake up and I'm so grateful for my family. I realize that there are many people who aren't as fortunate as me, coz there are some f*cked up families out there, that take dysfunctional to a whole 'nother level. I love my family. My siblings keep me grounded and I know my parents would give their lives for me in a heart beat. What a blessing....
2. Tell your loved ones that you love them…it might be the last time you see them
Death is a natural part of life, but losing someone is always heartbreaking. I've got much better at letting my loved ones know how much I love them, especially after being confronted with my own mortality.
3. The people closest to you will hurt you the most
This one is the most painful of truths to admit. I've lost a few people in my life that I considered very close friends. Sometimes they hurt you so bad that you have keep them out of your life for good. I think those people were brought into your life for a purpose and when that purpose is fulfilled you have to move on. It hurts like hell, but I accept it and keep it moving.
4. People come in and out of your life for a reason, season, or a lifetime
All three are equally important....treasure the ones who are in it for a lifetime.
5. There is no such thing as a soul mate!!!
LOL that's what I believed then, but now.....I've met the love of my life. Is he my soul mate? I still believe there's no such thing, only someone who's perfect for you.
6. Faith will get you through rough times
AMEN AMEN AMEN. I believe that the Most High has a plan and purpose for all of us, you just gotta find yours.
7. Love hurts
Yes, indeed! But when you love someone you try your best not to hurt them. Forgiveness is a powerful thing...
8. Enjoy the small things in life and don’t take them for granted
Three years ago a friend of mine died in a car accident the day after he graduated from college, 25 years old. Last summer another young man I knew died in a car accident, 26 years old. Both left sons behind. Life is so fragile.....treasure it.
9. Real friends will stay by your side in rainy days
I have great friends, REAL friends. I thank God for them every day.
10. Just because you love a man unconditionally doesn’t mean he’ll love you the same way
Find a man who loves you and stop chasing the one who doesn't.
11. Real friends are hard to find
That's why I take care of the ones I have.
12. Learn to forgive, it’ll set you free
13. You can NEVER change your mother (lol)
14. Sorry is the hardest thing to say
It takes a big person to acknowledge own wrongdoings and say sorry.
15. Crying is the best therapy
I've cried a river and a half since I first wrote this. Realest words ever.
16. NOTHING can replace a mother’s love
BossMama told me once that no woman can love you like your own mother and I believe that.
17. Every girl needs her daddy
Just look at all the women walking around with daddy issues and you'll understand why daddy is so important in a girl's life. Your first relationship with any guy is with your daddy, make sure it's a good one.
18. A smile can get you very far
A smiling face is a beautiful face. Stop the damn mugging and show the pearly whites :)
19. Distance separates
20. Jobs come and go
21. Don’t put money over people
When the money is gone then what? It's a cliché for a reason, but money will never buy you things like love, loyalty, and respect.
22. Take care of your girlfriends
23. Don’t buy into the Hollywood hype, “The One” DOES NOT exist!!!
I think the movie "Jerry Maguire" got a lot of women
24. Don’t go for looks and money when looking for a man
Looks IS important, don't let anyone fool you. But as you age and become more mature (well some of us at least), you put more emphasis on personal qualities besides looks. What? You'd prefer a rich, handsome azz-hole? I KNOW some women do, though....
25. Friends grow apart
This one I've also had a hard time accepting, especially when you've been friends for so long. But you just gotta let go.
26. Don’t judge people before you get to know them
27. Your heart will get broken, over and over and over…..every time you bounce back it will make you stronger
Such is life. You have to feel pain and heartache in order to appreciate the good and beautiful things in life.
28. Crying is not a sign of weakness
29. There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like you – just say f*ck it and move on
The worst and most exhausting thing to do is worry about what other people think. It's hard, I know, but once you stop....it's sooooo liberating!
30. Never look for a man to “complete” you
If you're looking for a man to complete you, then girlfriend you've got major issues. Complete your own damn self into a whole individual before you go looking for someone. See #23
31. Never lose touch with your inner child
I LOVE children
32. Never underestimate the power of prayers
33. A good laugh cleanses the soul
I believe laughter is for the soul what detox is for the body. There may be tens of thousands of languages in the world, but laughter is universal. CHEESE!
I wonder what other lessons life has in store for me. You live and you learn......
~I'm the Boss Lady~
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