Monday, August 22, 2011

The Day That Changed Norway

It's August 22., a month since that tragic day when a crazy muthafucka bombed the Norwegian government quarter and shot innocent kids at Utøya. I was on the interstate somewhere in Mississippi on my way to ATL when I got a text from a friend asking me if I heard the news about the bombing in Oslo. I was like WTF?!!? Bombing in Oslo? HELL NAW! I quickly got online through the phone and the headlines were just unreal. "Norway under attack". I think my heart stopped for a minute. The first thing that came to mind was that I have to call my brother who works in Oslo. I talked to him and he was on his way home, thankfully he hadn't been downtown that day. I quickly went on Facebook to check that friends and loved ones were ok. Everyone had updated their statuses to let other people know they were fine.

I started writing this blog post 2 days after the attack, but my mind went blank every time I started writing. I couldn't get down one single word, although I had a million swirling in my head. I guess I was trying to comprehend this whole tragedy. The fact that it happened here in Norway, one of the most peaceful places in the world, is unbelievable. I used to live 10 minutes from the government quarters.....just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. I have so many thoughts about this, but that's for another post.

My heart and prayers go out to everyone that has lost someone, to the survivors, and directly anyone affected. I was at the church downtown to show my respect for the victims. Seeing all those roses and letters and people made me tear up for real. And I thank God every day that I didn't lose a loved one. May their souls rest in peace.

~I'm the Boss Lady~

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