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You are your star playa |
Mini-Me and I were discussing female stuff while running, and we started talking about make-up and how some women can't even go to the mail box without splashing on tons of it on. And I told her that I'm glad she's not one of those coz she's soooo beautiful just the way she is. I love love make-up, but I use it to enhance my God-given beauty, not to create a whole 'nother face. It's hard being a (Black) woman these days. We're bombarded left, right and center about how we should or shouldn't look and you gotta have a strong self-esteem and be self -confident or it'll start getting to you. Nope, self-esteem and self-confidence are not the same thing. You can have confidence in yourself and/abilities and lack self-esteem.
From merriam-webster.com:
Self-esteem: a confidence and satisfaction in oneself, self-respect
Self-confidence: confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities
I have great self-esteem, I think I'm the shyt! lol I'm so in tune with my star playa it's ridicules.
And ladies, lemme let you in on a lil secret. Fvck your L. Vuitton bags, Gucci clothes and Louboutin pumps. You can look like the baddest chick walking this earth, but all that aint shyt if you lack self-esteem. The most valuable accessory you can parade around is self-esteem and confidence. No amount of top notch, Hollywood make-up or designer clothes can make you feel good if you have low self-esteem. It's sexy as hell. And that, my friend, aint anything you can buy at the store. It comes from within.
Many physically gorgeous women walk around feeling like nothing because they need validation of their greatness by other people. So how they feel about themselves is completely in the hands of other people, which is very very sad. Stop believing what the media feeds us, NOBODY is perfect. All those pictures of "perfect" women on magazine covers are PHOTOSHOPPED. We all have stretchmarks and cellulite, some of us have bad skin. Yes, those heffas got the same problems. So why are you trying to be perfect?
Have you ever seen a Morris Chestnut look-alike walking around with a not so physically attractive woman (yea yea yea I know attractiveness is subjective but there are universally FOINE people out there, people we all can agree on are gorgeous) and you thought to yourself DAMN!!! how the hell did she snag him?? She might not be a 10, but SHE thinks she's a 10 and that's ALL that matters and it's sexy and attractive. If you think you're the shyt, you'll give out those vibes and other people will start thinking you're the shyt. Other people see you through your lenses. You are your star playa. Katt Williams said it best, you have to be in tune with your star playa. Fvck what they talkin about, how are YOU doin today?
Take a good look in the mirror every day and love the person you see. Stand there until you get in tune with your star playa. If you like yourself, other people will like you...and if they don't them fvck'em!! lol
~I'm the Boss Lady~
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