Thursday, March 3, 2011

Some people shouldn't be allowed to procreate

You want to drive a car? You need a driver's license and insurance. You want to be a doctor? Go to medical school. Want to do nails? Get certified. You need to get some kind of certification to do almost anything. But why is that any idiot can just bring babies into this world when clearly they have no business what so ever producing offspring. And before anyone start talking about young mothers doing stupid sh!t, I know a few ladies who became mothers at a young age and they turned out to be excellent mothers. Their kids are well-mannered and polite little people. Trust, stupidity transcends age.

That picture of that precious little chocolate drop made me sad. But the other one.....boy, oh boy....I don't know what's worse - the fact that they engage in such fuckery or putting it online for everybody and their mamas to see. If these so-called parents do this foolishness at this age what the hell will they be doing with the kids at age 5? This is NOT cute or funny, it's just sad sad sad. Our children are the future and when we f*ck them up we're f*cking up the future. There are so many balanced, well-adjusted and excellent couples out there dying to have a baby, but can't. Meanwhile, stupid broads are having babies left, right, and center because they have not one responsible bone in their bodies. They keep living life and making babies, and securing jobs for future special educators, therapists, and prison wardens...... damn shame.

~I'm the Boss Lady~

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